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Smoothie Making for Health & Wellbeing

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

I have recently started experimenting with making my own smoothies and aim to make this a daily habit. This article will look at which fruits to put into your smoothies to help with a variety of health complaints.

Many common health problems are caused by poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency. Do you have any niggling health problems or recurring symptoms, such as fatigue, anxiety or depression, weight gain or brain fog? By making small changes to your life you can start to see improvement in your health and well being.


It’s not necessary to spend a fortune on a blender or juicer, a simple smoothie maker from your local supermarket is cheap and just as effective. I would also recommend buying a reusable bottle or flask so that you can have your smoothie on the go. This is particularly important if, like most people, you have a busy lifestyle.

I have found that if I make it a daily habit to prepare a smoothie in the morning and then take it to work with me, I am able to get more fruit into my diet and therefore have more energy.

The trick is to make it a habit. I found this difficult at first, but now get up slightly earlier and leave my smoothie maker out in the kitchen so that I see it in the mornings.


Many people find grapes too sweet or think that as they contain more sugar then other fruits, they therefore are higher in calories and should be avoided. This is not the case; grapes are traditionally given to people who are unwell or in hospital as they help to promote wellness. Grapes have many medicinal qualities; they help with kidney function as they contain phytochemicals that help the kidneys to filter waste.

Grapes are also a great liver cleansing food. The skins contain micronutrients that help with digestion by ridding the body of any mould, fungus or parasites that may be present. Grapes have recently been added to the list of superfoods as they help the body to fight and prevent many kinds of cancer.

Maybe one of the most important benefits of adding grapes to your smoothies is that they will help you to have more energy throughout the day. They are a natural source of sugar which will help whether you are an athlete or have a busy life and are constantly on the go.

Add more grapes to your diet if you have any of the following conditions; kidney problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, common colds, autism or autoimmune disease.


Everyone’s heard of the saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away.’ There are also many positive health benefits gained from eating a banana a day.

Adding a banana to your smoothie will make it a bit sweeter; bananas are often used to sweeten green smoothies. They are a nature source of energy and can be used to help maintain energy levels throughout the day. They are especially useful if consumed before a strenuous workout.

Bananas are particularly good for the bowels and help to regulate digestion. They are also useful for those who are trying to lose weight. Bananas provide the body with key nutrients that help to regulate heart rhythm and their vitamins help to keep the eyes bright and healthy.

Bananas are a great food to consume if you are experiencing symptoms of stress, low mood or PMS. A banana can help to regulate blood sugar which has a stress relieving and relaxed effect on the body. They can also be used to help overcome depression as they contain high levels of tryptophan which is converted into serotonin to help create a happy mood through brain neurotransmitters.

Add more bananas to your diet if you have any of the following conditions: depression, morning sickness, diabetes or osteoporosis. They can also be used to protect against kidney cancer and blindness and are an effective cure for hangovers.


Raspberries are a great source of antioxidants and contain high levels of vitamin C and quercetin, that helps the body to fight against cancers, heart disease and generally helps keep the body healthy and vital. They have been proven to slow the rate of aging; people who eat raspberries regularly have glowing skin and healthier hair and nails.

Raspberries are also high in ellagic acid which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. They help improve memory and brain function.

Raspberries are available fresh or frozen and either are great to add to your smoothies. Try adding the frozen variety during the summer months for a cooling, refreshing smoothie.

Add raspberries to your diet on a regular basis if you suffer from any of the following conditions: diabetes, cancer or obesity. They are also known to help lower blood pressure.

Smoothie Recepies (serves 2)

2 bananas

A handful of raspberries

A handful of grapes

A handful of blueberries

500ml Water

Green Smoothie (serves 2)

2 bananas

A handful of spinach

A handful of kale

500ml of apple juice or water

A small spoonful of honey

A small piece of ginger

Words: Abi Latham

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