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What is Money Anyway?

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

Change your money vibes in order to thrive and create the life you deserve.

Most people in today’s society have a love hate relationship with money. Often people feel that they don’t have enough money or that they would like to be able to make more. In today’s modern world there seems to be a lot of mixed messages and confusion about money.

There is a widening gap between the rich and the poor. We are often taught negative things as children or unconsciously pick up our parents view about money.


It is interesting to write down your beliefs about money and then ask yourself where these beliefs came from. Answer the following questions.

Why do some people have lots of money while others have little?

What are your beliefs about money? E.g. “money is the root of all evil?”

Can money buy happiness?

You may like to rethink your views, ask yourself why you believe what you believe. Then ask yourself, is this really true?

Dig deeper by asking yourself is this really true again. You may surprise yourself with the answer you get.

Aim to pull off the unbelievable using the law of attraction.

I have a strange story which I still don’t fully understand. A couple of years ago I was unemployed and was asking the universe for money and opportunities to make money. For a year I was doing odd jobs and working on-line, making money where I could to make ends meet. One day as I was walking down the street I found a £10 note on the ground. I picked it up and thanked the universe for the extra money which I needed to buy food. During the year that I was unemployed I had the same experience six times. I found £10 notes in random places, including one covered in mud in the park. The last £10 that I found had the words ‘financial freedom’ written on it. This gave me the motivation to keep going to keep looking for ways to make money on-line and to look for a job. I now have a job and other income streams and haven’t found any money in the street since. If you need money the universe will provide.

Words: Jayne Todd

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